Strep Throat Exposure Tuesday January 5

A member of The Montessori House community has contracted a confirmed case of  Strep Throat.

All children at school on Tuesday January 5, 2010 may have been exposed.  Please monitor you child for symptoms.  The chart below provides a handy reference for Strep Throat and other common childhood ailments.

Please report any cases of the following to the office as soon as possible.

Chicken Pox Small red spots turning to blisters, may be preceded by fatigue, slight fever, upset stomach.
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina) Rash, sore throat, temperature, vomiting.
Pediculosis (Headlice) Persistent itching of scalp, small, oval silver-white eggs on hair shaft base.
Giardiasis or Giardia Lamblia –

A protozoa

Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and nausea  It is the most frequent cause of non-bacterial diarrhea in the country.
Bacterial Conjunctivitis “Pink eye,” sometimes with discharge, tearing, itching, pain.

Strep Throat

Sore throat, usually red throat, swollen glands, general malaise, occasional abdominal discomfort.

Impetigo Tiny pus-filled pimple-like lesions that rupture and crust within a few hours to two days.  Usually on face around nostrils or around lips.
Pinworms Night-time rectal itching and restlessness.
Coxsackie Virus Fever, blisters on gums and in mouth, blister or rash on palms of hands or soles of feet.
Fifth Disease Red rash on face that looks like slapped cheeks.  Could have cold symptoms, fever. Incubation period is four to fourteen days.

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