Fall Food Drive Thanks!

Thanks to Montessori House Families !

We collected a record amount of in-kind food donations for the Center for Food Action(CFA)  in Englewood.

(Parents can see more photos by logging in to the Parents section of our website and selecting Photo Gallery from the left nav bar). 

Today, with the help of many parents, we had a caravan of ten (10)parent cars make their way down Knickebocker Ave. to the CFA.  The caravan carried our Kindergarten/First Grade students and our food donations, Once there, the children helped unload and also received a tour of the facility and some explanation of how their donations will help neighbors in need.

Parents had fun too! (that’s Ms. Maria running to get into the picture — she just made it, but look pretty tiny back there!)

We filled four large bins at CFA — a whole heap of food!  Here’s a bit of what we delivered:


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