Admissions September 2018 (updated Jan 12, 2018)
January 13th, 2018We are currently accepting applications for all our programs for September 2018. Most families are interested in placement for September 2018, but we already have a few applicants for September 2019.
Openings for September 2018. Of roughly 90 students currently enrolled at The Montessori House, about 50 have informed us they will return to the school next September (most of the other 40+ students have “aged-out” of our programs and will attend their local elementary school, parochial school, or an independent school). That means we’re placing about 40+ new students — 12 new students in our Montessori Stepping Stones program (age 2-1/2 to 3), most other new students in our Pre-Primary Montessori programs (age 3 to 4), and a handful of new Kindergarten students (age 5+).
New for 2018-19: we will offer a full-day option in Montessori Stepping Stones, from 8:45 a.m. to 2:50 p.m., as well as our usual half-day morning or afternoon Montessori Stepping Stones options.
As occurs every year, we have the greatest interest in our full-day programs (Montessori Stepping Stones, Pre-Primary Montessori+Enrichment, and Montessori Kindergarten) and our morning, half-day programs (Montessori Stepping Stones and Pre-Primary Montessori) — these sessions fill the fastest and will eventually have the longest waiting lists. In fact, the Montessori Stepping Stones morning session is filling rapidly, largely with the younger siblings from Montessori House families. The last sessions to fill are our afternoon, half-day programs (Montessori Stepping Stones and Pre-Primary Montessori).
To be considered for placement, families submit a paid application (download here). While we only offer families placement after a school visit and tour, families are welcome to apply either before they visit, at the visit, or after visiting.
We offer tours most school days. Tours are most informative when the classroom is filled with students and teachers. Consequently we only conduct tours when classes are in session. A personal, private tour usually take about 45 minutes, with a generous amount of time in one or two classrooms — depending on your child’s age, we will show you the program they would enter in September 2018, but also show you the programs available in future years. (Note, we can only spend time in the classroom on an “adults only” tour — a quiet infant carried by the parent is permitted, but no toddlers in the classroom please.) Note, you may submit an application before you tour.
We generally schedule tours to start between 9:15 and 10:15 in the morning, or around 1:00 in the afternoon. You may schedule a personal tour by texting/calling us at 201-816-8343. Or, we’ll contact you: e-mail us at with your phone number and your child’s birthdate, and we’ll reach out to schedule a visit. Alternatively, on our Admissions Page , you can request our free Schools Checklist (at the right under “How Does Our School Compare?”enter your name, zipcode and e-mail in the boxes) , and we’ll e-mail you information about booking a tour
Timing for Your 2018-19 Application: For families who are confident they want a placement offer for September 2018 from The Montessori House, we recommend submitting an application immediately. Some families delay: to finalize plans to move to the area, to look at other schools, or they mistakenly assume they have plenty of time. The cost of an application is small, and delay in submitting an application will reduce a family’s available options for next September.
Summary of our enrollment process: We have complete the enrollment process for returning students, and are now offering placement to new students September 2018, more or less in the order we received a paid application. After the end of January, we have rolling admissions and continue to offer placement in a session until that session is filled, at which point we start a session wait list. A family may choose to enroll in an alternate session (e.g. afternoon rather than morning, or half-day rather than full-day), but still join the waiting list for their preferred session.
We urge families interested in entering September 2018 to act now: schedule a school visit and submit an application .
For more information please contact us through our website or text/call us at 201-816-8343.