Science! Oct 8: Lamont-Doherty Open House

September 20th, 2016

A great opportunity to introduce children of all ages (and adults) to the exciting science going on right next door.  In grade school Ms. Maria’s children loved the Lamont Open House, and her older daughter, Isabella, has been working on a research team at Lamont since 2014!


Do Parents Matter

September 1st, 2016

Interesting review in the WSJ today of a new book: Do Parents Matter?

The LeVines are not arguing for abandoning Western parenting mores but making an eloquent case that wisdom requires a little humility about what is “right.” American children speak more and earlier than children in some other societies, but “we don’t know whether American preschool children actually have better conversational abilities than, say, French children or just lack the social skill to restrain their speech in adult contexts, as French children do.” All the talking we do with our babies may stretch their brains, but it also creates children who believe everything they say is worth listening to at all times. In any case, “once American parents free themselves from the expert warnings that any deviations from current American practices will constitute trauma, abuse, or adversity for their children’s development”—warnings that the LeVines show in this book are largely groundless—“then it will be possible to learn from other cultures and reduce parental burdens to a more sensible level.” Parenting is hard enough as it is. There’s no reason to lose sleep over things that aren’t worth worrying about.

Final Winning Bid – K/1st Graduation Auction

May 31st, 2016

$450 — Winning Bid!  THANKS from Friends of Montessori Foundation


September 2016 Openings Available in All Programs

March 15th, 2016

If you want the best for your young child (ages 2 to 6), The Montessori House can offer immediate placement for September 2016 in all programs.  Please e-mail or call us at 201-816-8343.   (Application and tuition details.)

Dates: Make-up Classes, Contracts, After-school Classes

March 10th, 2016

2016-17 Enrollment Agreements Due March 14 by 3 p.m.

Spring Trimester After-school Class Enrollment Due by March 16 for discount

Schedule of Winter Trimester After-school Make-up Classes:

Week of Mar 7 Week of Mar 14 Week of Mar 21
Monday Chess Next Step Reg Class Reg Class NO CLASS
Tuesday Raw Food Fun Reg Class NO CLASS NO CLASS
Tuesday Piano Reg Class Make-up Class (Open) NO CLASS
Wednesday Piano Reg Class (Open) NO CLASS NO CLASS
Wednesday Yoga Reg Class Make-up Class Make-up Class
Thursday Beginner Chess (Ms. Hillarie) Reg Class Make-up Class SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday Chess Club (Ms. Ivette) Reg Class NO CLASS SCHOOL CLOSED
Friday Reading Fun

Happy New Year!

February 9th, 2016

Yesterday, February 8th, our Montessori House parents joined children in all our classes for  the best Lunar New Year celebrations.  With stories, costumes, food, and more, our children had a chance to learn about and experience different aspects of this traditional holiday celebrated throughout East Asia.

Thanks to all the parents who were able to join us!

Here are just a few of our children outfitted for the holiday …


Celebrating Lunar New Year 2016 at The Montessori House

Here’s what we did on a snowy day!

February 5th, 2016

School Open: Friday February 5th

February 5th, 2016

The Montessori House is open on the normal schedule today, February 5th.  Local weather conditions vary; parents should use their own judgement as to whether their children can come to school safely today.  Parents should feel free to keep children home or arrive late; especially if the snow in the yard is suitable for building a snow-boy or snow girl, or for making snowballs!

School Pictures!

December 3rd, 2015

School picture packages may be picked up starting today — in your child’s folder.

Timing and Tips for Scholarships

December 1st, 2015

If your family is interested in exploring a scholarship (a.k.a. financial aid) at The Montessori House for the school year starting September, 2020 (2020-21 school year), now is the time to start the process.

(Note, scholarships are no longer available for the current school year that startede September, 2019.)

First, you apply to The Montessori House: please have a look at our Admissions section.  If you haven’t visited the school, we suggest you call us to arrange a tour for yourself (we recommend you come for a tour during the school day without your child, if possible).  Please call or text us at 201-816-8343 to arrange a time.

Starting now you can prepare your scholarship application to Friends of Montessori Foundation.  Your application needs to be completed before March 15, 2020 (for scholarships for the school year starting September, 2020).

Scholarships are provided by The Friends of Montessori Foundation, and they consider your financial need as well as the depth of their own resources when making scholarship decisions.

Note, if you receive an award, it will be be subject to verification of information you submitted; for example receipt and evaluation of 2019 tax returns that you may not have sent to FoM in March.

If Friends of Montessori Foundation cannot meet your calculated need, then you may choose to withdraw and receive a refund of any tuition deposits you may have provided The Montessori House (but no refund of your application fee).  However, if the Foundation meets your need (or determines that you have not demonstrated a financial need), then you would not be eligible for a tuition refund if you decide to withdraw.

Of course, before deciding to reserve a place for your child with a deposit, you can wait to hear from the Foundation regarding your scholarship.  But, without a reservation in place, by we may have filled up your preferred sessions for 2020-21.

Feel free to contact us by e-mail ( with questions.