(see Google Reviews)

 "...the Montessori House 'helps children to help themselves.' "

montessori mother with her daughter"The Montessori House is a wonderful place with talented qualified teachers that nurture children in a quiet, non-distracting atmosphere of individualized attention.
In the tradition of Maria Montessori, the Montessori House 'helps children to help themselves'. 
After attending The Montessori house, children are extremely well prepared for elementary school due to the academic achievements that they have mastered. 
More importantly, however, they are well prepared for life because they have learned to be intellectually curious and possess a genuine love of learning. 
My husband and I are extremely pleased with the high quality education, and the important life lessons that this phenomenal school has provided to our children."
Clare S.

 "Montessori House definitely exceeded our expectations."

smiling woman of color with her daughter
"Prior to meeting Maria Morningstar for a tour of the Montessori House I was only vaguely familiar with the Montessori Method.
I have since learned a great deal about the method and I know the benefits of a well thought out process and tools for learning. Our criteria for a preschool for our daughter was quite simple, the school needed to have:
  1. A convenient location,
  1. A warm and loving environment that supports the child’s innate ability, natural curiosity, and encourages the development of the person within, and
  1. A program that celebrates diversity in learning styles, self-expression and talent.
Montessori House definitely exceeded our expectations.  

Once our daughter visited the school she was in love and all summer she’d ask “when can I go to school”. She entered the Stepping Stones class September 2008 and has never looked back.  

Early in the phase-in process our daughter was so comfortable that she advised me that I could “hide in the bushes until after school” or “just wait in the car”. Needless to say, I had to get used to the idea that my little one needed me a little less.  

Eventually, she was flying solo in the loving care of Ms. Linda, Ms. Susie and the rest of the wonderful staff at Montessori House.  Have you ever seen a child jump for joy outside the school door while waiting for the teacher to let her in?  Our daughter does it every day.

We love Montessori House and hope you do too."
Robin D.

"This is the school for people who are simply looking for more."

montessori parent holding her smiling daughter
"I have 4 children, all of whom have attended Montessori House.
Eight years ago when my first child was 2, I did my homework and looked at about 20 schools. I was looking for a perfect fit for my son and I finally found what I was looking for at the Montessori House.

Here was a school that had a very innovative way of teaching.
They teach basic math and reading skills, but more importantly they teach children to care about each other and be respectful, they teach them to be self reliant as well as helpful to each other. 

This was the only school I looked at where the teachers go down to the children's level and LISTEN to them. Most schools talk down and direct children because it is faster and more efficient. 

Montessori House raises the bar and tells kids 'they can do it'.
The classroom work is all educational; they learn and play at the same time. The children learn about constellations and Van Gogh and many things you would not think a 3 -6 year old can comprehend but they do.

The teachers have patience and insight and great teaching skills.  This is the school for people who are simply looking for more.  My children will always have warm thoughts of their time at the Montessori House. This was their stepping stone to education in every sense of the word."

Diana M.

"Both of my children have thrived in a Montessori setting..."

montessori mom holding her son
"The Montessori House is a wonderful school where the children are able to enjoy a peaceful and loving environment supporting their optimal growth.  

I love the way that the children are always spoken to in a kind and loving manner and are always directed in a positive way.

Both of my children have thrived in a Montessori setting and have grown to be confident, self-directed, creative thinkers who are solution oriented."

Christine S.

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